a     Actual Shifts –  Day Other Than Current Day

This service returns a list of the actual shifts (worked shifts from the timesheet) for the day, including employees that are absent, indicated by the activity. This is available for all roles. If the department is equal to all, shifts from all timesheets in all departments are returned. If the endTime is equal to 1/1/1900, it means the end time is blank.


Request (JSON)

GET /actualshifts/ /day/{date}/?securitytoken={sessionToken}(&departmentId={departmentId})

Content-Type: application/json


Response (JSON)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

"DepartmentName":"Ny Bistro","EmployeeName":"",
"DepartmentName":"Ny Bistro","EmployeeName":"",


b) Actual Plan Day Status

This service returns a true or false if the day in the timesheet is closed or open.

If closed = true. If open = false.


Request (XML)

/actualshifts/ status/day/

Content-Type: application/json


Response (JSON)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

c) Actual Shifts – By Employee


This service returns a list of the actual shifts (worked shifts from the timesheet) for the past 60 days for a selected employee.

If the department is equal to all, actual shifts from all the employee’s departments is returned. If the Departmentid is left empty, defaultdepartment will be chosen. If the endTime is equal to 1/1/1900, it means the end time is blank


Request (JSON)

GET /actualshifts /past/{date}/?securitytoken={sessionToken}(&departmentId={departmentId}&employeeId={employeeId})

Content-Type: application/json


Response (JSON)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

"DepartmentName":"Ny Bistro","EmployeeName":"",
"DepartmentName":"Ny Bistro","EmployeeName":"",

d) Close Actual Day

Use this service to close a day of your timesheet. Supply the day and the department. This is available for planners and administrators.


Request (JSON)

PUT /actualshifts/ close/day/{date}/?securitytoken={sessionToken}(&departmentId={departmentId})

  "Departmentid": "fb60311f-e88c-4a6a-9bc4-6ad09fd6a7b5",
  "Date": "\/Date(1355986847000+0100)\/"


Response (JSON)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK



e) Open Actual Day

Use this service to reopen a day of your timesheet. Supply the day and the department. This is available for administrators.


Request (JSON)

PUT /actualshifts/ open/day/{date}/?securitytoken={sessionToken}(&departmentId={departmentId})

  "Departmentid": "fb60311f-e88c-4a6a-9bc4-6ad09fd6a7b5",
  "Date": "\/Date(1355986847000+0100)\/"


Response (JSON)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


f) Can Planner Reopen Actual Day


This service returns if it is possible for planners to reopen closed days in the timesheet, in the current wage period. The setting Planners can reopen closed days under Configuration -> Company Settings -> Timesheet must also be enabled in tamigo for planners to reopen a day in the timesheet.


Request (JSON)

GET /actualshifts/reopen/day/{date}/?securitytoken={sessionToken}

  "Date": "\/Date(1355986847000+0100)\/"


Response (JSON)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK



g) Copy Approved Rota to Timesheet – For a Day


This service copies an approved rota to the timesheet. This is only available for planners or administrators.


Request (JSON)

POST /actualshifts/ copy/day/{date}/?securitytoken={sessionToken}(&departmentId={departmentId})

  "Departmentid": "fb60311f-e88c-4a6a-9bc4-6ad09fd6a7b5",
  "Date": "\/Date(1355986847000+0100)\/"


Response (JSON)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
