The absence services allow you to create, get, and delete employee’s absences from third-party applications.
a) Create Absence
Create one or more employee absences by passing the Employee POS key and the absence type.
- Employee POS key
- Start date of absence
- End date of absence
- Absence type
- Absence
Request (JSON)
POST /LeaveRequests/Create/?securityToken=<token> Content-Type: application/json [{ "LeaveRequestType":6, "PosKey":"0002", "FromDate":"\/Date(1467370454000)\/", "ToDate":"\/Date(1468148054000)\/", "Comment":"", "RequestedDate":"\/Date(1464778454000)\/", "Approved":null | true | false, "Rejected": null | true | false, "ApprovedDate":null, "NumberOfHours":null, "DepartmentId":<Store id> | null, "EmployeeLeaveRequestId":null }]
Response (JSON)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
b) Create/Update Sick Leave Absence Type
Create an employee sick leave by passing the EmployeePOSKey
, sick leave date, leaveRequestTypeID
, and a flag to indicate whether the employee is sick or not sick.
- When creating an employee sick leave, the
flag is required to be true, and theLeaveDate
passed will be considered as the date when the employee’s sick leave starts. When theIsSick flag
is passed as false, the sick leave date provided will be the date when the employee’s sick leave ends.
Request (JSON)
POST /LeaveRequests/CreateUpdateSickLeave/?securityToken=<token> HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json { "EmployeePosKey":"1000", "LeaveDate":"\/Date(1467370454000)\/", "IsSick":true, "LeaveRequestTypeId":6 }
Response (JSON)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
c) Delete an Absence
- Employee POS key
- Sick leave start date
- Sick leave end date
- Absence type
Request (JSON)
POST /LeaveRequests/Delete/?posKey=0002&dateFrom=2016-07-01&dateTo=2016-07-10&leaveType=6&securityToken=<token> Content-Type: application/json
Response (JSON)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
d) Delete All Absences
Deletes all employee absences that are related to the Employee POS key and are within a given start and end date range.
- Start date and end date of absences
- EmployeePOSKey is an optional parameter.
Request (JSON)
POST /LeaveRequests/Delete/All/?posKey=0002&dateFrom=2016-07-01&dateTo=2016-07-10&securityToken=<token> Content-Type: application/json
Response (JSON)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
e) Get All Absences by Date Range
Get all absences that are within a given start and end date range, including overlapping absences.
- Start date and end date of absences
Request (JSON)
GET /LeaveRequests/All/?startdate=2016-06-09&enddate=2016-06-10&securityToken=<token> HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json
Response (JSON)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK [{ "DepartmentName": "Department Name", "EmployeeId": " employee Id", "EmployeeName": "Jan Doe", "LeaveApproved": true, "LeaveEndDate": "/Date(1465596000000+0200)/", "LeaveRejected": false, "LeaveStartDate": "/Date(1465509600000+0200)/", "LeaveType": "Ferie" }]