tamigo allows you to integrate revenue data directly into your Rota. Through our APIs or through an FTP exchange, you can send revenue data directly to tamigo. You must have an Administrator role in tamigo, and be familiar with software development and web services.   

There are two ways to import revenue data into tamigo. One allows you to upload the actual daily revenue, while the other enables you to upload hourly revenue and can be specific to an employee. To work with both types of revenue, you must upload them separately.  

To visualize actual revenue and to see your calculated wage percentages, go to one of the following: 

  •  Financials -> Sales 
  • Timesheet -> Hours Worked
  • Timesheet -> Hours Worked (week)  

To evaluate your daily planning and to get a custom staffing proposal, use department-wide hourly revenue data by going to Rota -> Edit Day -> choose DailyRevenue in the Graph data box:

To compare employee sales data go to Financials -> Employee Productivity.

1. Add an ID number for each department in your company

You need to register an ID for each department that you wish to include in the import.  

  1. Go to Configuration -> Departments
  2. Select a department and add the ID in the Store ID field. 
  3. Repeat these steps for all your departments.

2. Add your employees' POS (Point-of-Sales) keys

You need to register an ID for each employee that you wish to include in the import. Please note that this is only relevant if you wish to upload employee-specific sales data.

  1. Go to Configuration -> POS Keys   
  2. Enter each employee’s key and save.

 3. Generate an access key to authenticate with our Web Services

  1. Go to the Configuration -> Web Services (API).
  2. Enter the name of your application and click on Create Key

You will need this key to use our APIs. If your key has been compromised, you can regenerate the key to ensure the security of your tamigo instance.

4. Authenticate your application

Send a POST request to api.tamigo.com/login/application with the following body:

The content-type is JSON (application/json).

If the request is successful, you will get the following response:

Retrieve the “SessionToken” to get access to our application.  Please note that the token is temporary and will expire after 20 minutes.

5. Import daily revenue

Send a POST request to api.tamigo.com/Revenues/?securityToken=<sessionToken> with the following body:

Make sure to replace <sessionToken> with the token you received during the authentication phase.

The content-type is JSON (application/json).

Make sure to leave out the VAT when uploading the revenue data.

The parameters should be introduced in the following formats:

ContentDepartmentKey, Date(YYYY-MM-DD), Revenue

If the request is successful, you will get the following response (JSON):

6. Import revenue over day

Send a POST request to api.tamigo.com/Revenues/UploadRevenueOverDay?securityToken=<sessionToken> with the following body:

The content-type is JSON (application/json).

The parameters should be introduced in the following format:

Content''DepartmentKey, Date(YYYY-MM-DD),Hour (H),Emp.ID, Revenue, Footfall (set to ’0’)''

If you wish to upload department-wide revenue data, leave the “Emp.ID” case blank.

If the request is successful, you will get the following response (JSON):

7. Other method: FTP file transfer

Although we recommend using our API to transfer data to and from tamigo, we also offer the possibility to set up a file exchange through an FTP server.  

The revenue data should be in a flat format such as a .csv file, and be of the following format:

You can make a file available on your own FTP server that we will download when we import data. This is the preferred way. You should provide a username and a password.

It is also possible to upload your data directly to our FTP server by paying a fee. Contact tamigo support for more details.